IBS clustering 和 MDS

#IBS和IBD IBS, Identity by State</br> IBD, Identity by Descent</br>

Wikipedia对IBD,IBS的解释</br> A DNA segment is identical by state (IBS) in two or more individuals if they have identical nucleotide sequences in this segment. An IBS segemet is identical by descent (IBD) in two or more individuals if they have inherited it from a common ancestor without recombination, that is, the segment has the same ancestral origin in these individuals. DNA segments that are IBD are IBS per definition, but segments that are not IBD can still be IBS due to the same mutations in different individuals or recombinations that do not alter the segment.</br> ibd


比较两个个体之间的SNP的Identity by State,分为三个状态:</br> 1、Identical,完全一致。如果在两个个体中都是相同基因型,AA & AA,AB & AB或者BB & BB。</br> 2、One-Allele Shared,含有一个共同位点。比如两个个体基因型为AA & AB或者BB & AB。</br> 3、No alleles shared,没有共同位点。比如,AA & BB。</br> 因而根据IBS对个体的基因型编码,这三种IBS状态可以相应地编码为2,1,0。即含有两个相同位点,含有一个相同位点,没有相同位点。</br>

简单理解,基因组上含有相同DNA片段越多的两个个体间的亲缘关系越近。</br> IBD和IBS都可以用来推断个体之间的遗传亲缘关系。 参考文献:Stevens et al. 2011. Inference of Relationships in Population Data Using Identity-by-Descent and Identity-by-State.PLoS Genet 7(9):e1002287</br>



plink --file test --cluster --matrix 

#Multidimensional scaling plots(MDS) 实际上是多维变量分解IBS矩阵。这里的MDS和PCA是一样的。关于MDS和PCA的原理和细节下次再叙述,这里主要说明如何生成MDS结果。

plink --file test --cluster --mds-plot 10 


column1 = FamilyID
column2 = IndividualID
column3 = SOL, Assighed solution code
column4 = C1, Position on first dimension
column5 = C2, Position on second dimension
column6 = C3, Position on third dimension
column7 = C4, Position on fourth dimension

根据第一和第二维度(第四列和第五列)的数据,绘制scatter plot,可以看到不同个体的在这两个维度上的坐标。

dat <- read.table ( "plink.mds", header = T)
pop <- dat[ ,1]
mds1 <- dat[ ,4]
mds2 <- dat[ ,5]
plot (mds1, mds2, col = as.factor(pop), xlab = "C1", ylab = "C2", pch = 20, main = "MDS plot")
legend("bottomleft", bty = "n", cex = 0.8, legend = unique(pop), border = F, fill = unique(as.factor(pop))) 